I believe that selling is a high calling—and I’m inspired by the courage, grit, and boundless enthusiasm of people who sell from their hearts.

I strive to bring that inspiration to audiences, focusing on the bottom line while entertaining with humor, passion, and compassion. When people have fun, the message goes directly to the place inside where new and exponential results begin.

My message is that you can guarantee extraordinary sales results, and at the same time serve others and feed your own soul with personal meaning, higher purpose, and generosity of spirit. I talk about the honor and joy of selling, and show audiences how to relax, be present to others, and make money while becoming the people they have always wanted to be.

I invite people to make the selling process itself a source of self-esteem, contribution, inspiration, and delight—and to become a force of nature in their own lives—whether they are new sellers or old hands.

My topics include:

  • Sell Yourself Without Feeling Pushy, Creepy, or WEIRD!
  • Selling Big without Selling Out
  • Your 3 New Best Friends: ‘The Ask,’ Objections, and the Close
  • The Cosmic Hors d’Oeuvres Tray: Getting Your Goal, Every Time, No Matter What
  • Finding your Personal “Selling Sweet Spot”

To see a sample video, please visit my Amazon Author’s Page.

What people say about Carol…

            The Soul of Selling jump-starts sales forces. They produce more because they know how to honor themselves and their profession, as well as their prospects. They have more staying power, more results, and more fun.  — Murray Thompson, Ph.D., Consultant to Fortune 100 companies

            A lot of people have helped me with sales over the years, but the biggest breakthrough is Carol Costello’s The Soul of Selling book and presentation. She spoke recently at our Spirit and Work Conference, and I cannot over-recommend her.   — Pat McHenry Sullivan, Founder, Spirit and Work Resource Center

             It’s a joy to watch this material in Carol’s hands. People soak up new skills, beam with enthusiasm, and then go out there and get results they never thought possible. They get the results they want, and at the same time inspire trust, loyalty, and productive action in their teams.  — Tom LeNoble, Senior Customer Service, Executive/Coach

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