I developed the Soul of Selling method to bring more ease, meaning, and enjoyment to the record-breaking results I produced at as Sales Director for three successful startups over 30 years.

Sharing this method with audiences in keynotes and workshops is a joy. I love showing people how to move into a more powerful relationship with selling. When you have a proven way to keep your enthusiasm high, your relationship with buyers warm, and your sales goals met every time, you naturally enjoy selling more—and so you get even better at it.

It is thrilling to my clients relax into their own unique “sweet spot” of selling and to feel great about themselves as sellers. They can let it rip because they know they can trust themselves to serve people, and also to produce the big numbers they’ve always dreamed of—in a way that is easy and natural for them.

After hanging out with Keats and Yeats on my way to an MA at the University of Michigan, I became an investigative reporter in Chicago. It was my job to be on hand whenever Mayor Daley was doing something naughty and to write it up in an amusing way for the people of Chicago, for whom journalism is a blood sport.

I found my way to San Francisco and was the first Sales Director for two spiritual start-ups that are thriving worldwide today. My selling heroine is Mother Teresa of Calcutta. She raised millions for a cause that was her passion—without any sales training or gimmicks, just by being who she was.

Along with my career in sales, I have been a book doctor and editor, a student of meditation and the Vedanta since 1980, traveled the world with extended stays in India, and hiked down and up the Grand Canyon. I published my first novel, Chasing Grace: A Novel of Odd Redemption in 2011 and my second, Change or Die: A Novel of Spiritual Evolution, in 2016. I live in San Francisco across the street from the Pacific Ocean. These are my two very large, ultra-smoochy cats, Frankie and Flynnie.

You can find out more about me and about my WRITE IN THE ZONE blog on writing at www.carolcostello.net.


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