People who sell don’t get enough credit! It’s not just another job, or even a high calling. It’s a genuine hero’s journey, and people who embark on it are inspiring. Author, mythologist, and spiritual teacher Joseph Campbell focused much of
Ever find yourself in awe of someone who radiates passion for what they do, whether it’s selling, or a political or social cause, or just doing their job? I have, and I used to wonder where they got all that
“Selling Baggage” in the Grand Canyon
Years ago I hiked down and up the Grand Canyon with five other women carrying a 40-pound backpack. Some people don’t think a one-night stay at the bottom of the Canyon warrants a forty pounds of gear, and others don’t
Your Sales Oil Change
You’ve finally put to rest all the negative mental chatter about sales. You rest on a Nirvanic cloud of peace, wisdom, unconditional acceptance, deep internal silence, and universal love about selling. Until all of a sudden—and out of nowhere!—those niggling
Selling Monkey Mind Goes Bananas–But We Don’t Have To
Where does Selling Monkey Mind—the negative mental chatter that pops up around selling—get all those bananas!? How come it can swoop in to paralyze us, and take away our selling fun? Selling Monkey Mind only gets the better of us
Sellers’ Discomfort Dilemma
The “Discomfort Dilemma” shows up in almost every aspect of life. We just see it more often, and in more vibrant color, when we sell because selling is life on steroids. People who enjoy selling have almost always mastered the
We’re a Soulful Selling Species
Most of us sell every day of our lives—whether or not we know it, and whether or not we call it “sales.” We can’t help ourselves. When we find something that is fun or valuable, we want to share it with
Being Good and Doing Well
“Being good and doing well” is the magic bullet for those of us who sell. We all want to get great numbers, and also to thrive because we are feeding our souls with personal values, higher purpose, and contribution to
I don’t mean that you should sell while holding the yoga headstand posture, Sirsasana. I mean that it’s often good to look at selling from a completely new perspective. What if we took everything we “knew” about selling, and stood
The Cosmic Hors d’Oeuvres Tray
You just got your coaching certificate, or signed up as a multi-level marketer, or decided to hang out your shingle—so you thought you might sign up for a couple selling/marketing blogs and… WOOSH! The next thing you know, you’re receiving