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The Soul of Selling captures everything I learned in 30 years of:

  • Producing record-breaking sales results
  • Developing rich, highly productive relationships with clients and customers
  • Getting guaranteed results in an authentic, natural way
  • Learning to love selling

I developed this method to make selling fun, easy, and honorable. I hope it brings you both joy and remarkable results.

Carol Costello

Why “The Soul of Selling?”

The Soul of Selling takes the guesswork out of results and the stress out of selling. Your results are guaranteed, every time. You operate with integrity and generosity of spirit. Selling becomes simply offering people a product, service, or idea that you value in such a clear and inviting way that they see its merits and get on board.

We all sell, whether we’re cutting billion-dollar deals, launching a small business, or getting our kids to eat their broccoli. Life is a lot easier when we can make these invitations with confidence and in the spirit of service.

The Soul of Selling brings out the best in people. It gives new life to any sales force or business. Newcomers can win right out of the gate, and professionals can get renewed. People become energized by their own values, so they get great results in a way that fulfills them and inspires others.”

— Murray Thompson, Ph.D., Consultant and strategist to Fortune 100 companies


This book offers six quick, easy steps that guarantee the exact sales results you want, service to others, and personal fulfillment. You get specific tools to:

  • Dissolve the mental chatter that keeps us from enjoying or succeeding at sales
  • Discover and enjoy your own natural enthusiasm, and say goodbye to fear of rejection or manipulation
  • Conduct the 10-Step Honoring Sales Conversation
  • Make the “ask,” handle objections, and close the sale with confidence, grace, and skill
  • Never again take “No” personally
  • Master the art of “selling yourself: without fear or stress

“This is how selling should be; this is how selling can be; this is certainly how selling will be going forward for those who wish to make a successful career…”                                                                         –Aaron J. Webber, Co-CEO and President of UNICITY

“Carol helps people enjoy and succeed at selling. They tap into their own passion and know they’re acting with integrity, so they relax into getting their results with ease and grace.”              –Lee Glickstein, Founder, Speaking Circles International and author of Be Heard Now


This method is for professional salespeople, entrepreneurs, first-time sellers, small business owners, fundraisers, multi-level marketers, coaches, community leaders, people who vowed they would never sell, and anyone who wants to present themselves with mastery and grace.

We all want the capacity to make our visions real, to make our projects fruitful, and to make our products or services successful. That’s very difficult to do without “selling” skills. When you can be a profoundly effective seller, and at the same time enjoy and build on your personal values, self-esteem, and sense of contribution, then you are a force of nature.

“Anyone who sells or works with people can use this book to get the results they want, and at the same time inspire trust, loyalty, and well-being. It’s a joy to watch this material in Carol’s hands. People soak up new skills, beam with enthusiasm and get results they never thought possible.”                  –Tom LeNoble, Sr. Customer Service Executive/ Coach

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60 thoughts on “Home

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